Sending a 'We Are!' to these Penn Staters -- Week of May 13

The Nittany Lion points to the camera with both hands

As part of our regular “We Are!”功能, 我们认可免费mg不朽情缘试玩的学生,他们在工作中超越了学校对他们的要求.

Credit: Michael Owen

As part of our regular “We Are!”功能, 我们表彰了14位免费mg不朽情缘试玩的学生,他们在工作中超越了学校对他们的要求.   


  • Tomi Dreibelbis, senior director for educational affairs at the College of Medicine, 他的提名人写道:“托米是让免费mg不朽情缘试玩成为世界级学府的那种领导者的典范. As a leader shouldering considerable responsibility, Tomi is honest, respectful and upbeat, 她在员工中建立了非凡的同志情谊,使同事们发挥出最大的潜能.” 
  • 南希 Lucas, administrative support assistant at Penn State New Kensington, who received multiple nominations. One reads: “南希 is one of the most supportive people around! 她在教务处的工作超越了自己的职责,总是全力以赴. 南希 is a die-hard Penn State fan who supports our sports teams, student activities, and faculty events.另一张是这样写的:“南希体现了这个办公室的员工领导应该具备的品质。. 她擅长寻找使流程和程序更有效的方法. 南希总是超越一切,保持校园的平稳运行,总是尊重每个人.” 
  • 杰夫 Mosebey, talent acquisition specialist in Human Resources, 他的提名人写道:“杰夫在搜索过程中是一个非常好的合作伙伴. He is dedicated, thoughtful and positive. His approach to his work has made a lasting impression, 我相信免费mg不朽情缘试玩很幸运有杰夫代表学校向未来的员工介绍.” 
  • 劳拉 O’Brien, channel strategy manager at Penn State World Campus, 她的提名人写道:“我们整个团队都很感激劳拉,想要表彰她的努力! The professionalism she exudes in the quality of her work, 她积极向上的精神和以团队为中心的工作方式使她成为一名出色的同事. 劳拉,谢谢你为我树立了免费mg不朽情缘试玩的光辉榜样!” 
  • 杰克 Quimby, police officer with University 警察 and Public 安全, whose nominator wrote: “杰克 is always willing to help others. 他积极的态度使工作场所更令人愉快.” 
  • 米歇尔 Ramsey, associate professor of communication 艺术 and sciences, and women’s, gender and sexuality studies at Penn State Berks, 她的提名人写道:“米歇尔是一位了不起的教育家和导师,她在招聘和留住学生方面做得非常出色. She participates in all admissions events, presents at the Arts & Lecture series and co-chairs Berks’ Fall Fest. 今年,她花了几个小时制作友谊手镯送给学生!” 
  • 玛丽莎 Rosensteel, director of events in Penn State Intercollegiate 体育运动, 她的提名人写道:“玛丽莎是一名出色的活动经理,具有很强的沟通和组织能力. She is a pleasure to work with, always providing clear direction. 她的领导风格创造了一个工作环境,使她的员工能够团结一致,为客户提供积极的成果.”   
  • 帕姆罗耶, administrative assistant in the Smeal College of Business, whose nominator wrote: “帕姆 definitely deserves a ‘We Are!’ shoutout!  She is a pillar of strength and takes pride in her work.  帕姆总是全力以赴,处理交给她的任何任务.  We are lucky to have her!” 
  • 珍妮花 Saunders, assistant financial officer in the Student Affairs Finance Office, who received multiple nominations. 一位提名人写道:“詹妮弗的个性化培训课程不仅合乎逻辑,而且直接, 但它们也会让人觉得,除了把书读对之外,还发生了一些好事——也就是说,一种持久的积极的工作关系正在进行中. 珍妮花 equals joy on my balance sheet.另一位提名者写道:“詹妮弗在教育方面有着非凡的能力和天赋。, inform and train anyone that crosses her path! More importantly than skills, 詹妮弗以最欢迎和接受的方式迎接每一个人, always leaving them feeling good and ready to take action!” 
  • Jana Saupe, senior analyst in the Division of Development and 校友 Relations, 她的提名人写道:“贾娜对流程的了解和她的解释能力堪称典范. But her true gift is that she is a champion of others. 她总是赞扬我们团队和大学里其他人的成就和力量.” 
  • 明迪 Vail, senior financial associate in the Eberly College of Science, 她的提名者写道:“明迪是一缕阳光,她渴望继续学习,渴望永远把工作做到最好.  她分享她学到的东西,脸上总是带着微笑和积极的态度.  明迪 truly is a team player and exudes Penn State Values daily!  It is a pleasure to work with her.” 
  • Corie VonGunden, 发展及校友关系部的录音主管, 她的提名者写道:“感谢科里,在面临员工空缺带来的额外责任时,你能确保持续的响应和优质的服务.  她心甘情愿地走上前来,面带微笑,增添了热情和善良!”   
  • 帕特遗嘱, professional development coordinator with Penn State Extension, 他的提名人写道:“帕特主动将我们的专业开发SharePoint网站扩展为扩展团队的宝贵资源,提供即将到来的网络研讨会的日历链接和易于查找的过去事件记录. 我们的团队感谢Pat提供了一个简单的方法来找到他们需要的资源.” 
  • Alicia Wondoloski, 免费mg不朽情缘试玩哈里斯堡分校的研究开发和奖励管理主任, 她的提名人写道:“艾丽西亚总是可以帮助有迫切需要的教职员工提交资助提案. 她总是很积极,面带微笑,即使是在最后期限即将到来的时候. 艾丽西娅知道如何处理和提交拨款,如果她有问题,她会很快回复你.” 

Thank you Tomi, 南希, 杰夫, 劳拉, 杰克, 米歇尔, 玛丽莎, 帕姆, 珍妮花, Jana, 明迪, Corie, 帕特和艾丽西亚,感谢所有帮助免费mg不朽情缘试玩成为一个不可思议的社区的人! 

Do you know someone who deserves a shout out? If you do, consider nominating that person by filling out a short online form.